• Gardening is Life

    Join us to get your perfect garden

  • A Dream Garden

    Learn landscape and floral designing

  • For Planet Lovers

    Conserve our natural resources and be part of the community

Little Red Schoolhouse

Our Mission

Our Club's Purpose

The purpose of our club is to stimulate an interest in gardening, the conservation of our natural resources, the studies of horticulture, landscape design and floral design. Our club is situated in Groveland, Massachusetts and we also encourage civic beautification, as well as maintaining and perserving our meeting place locally known as the Little Red Schoolhouse.


Calendar of Events

Activities to promote Garden Growth

We hold events throughout our season to further our education and continue the beautification of our community. See our calendar of events below to see what we are up to next.

Image of Little Red Schoolhouse

The Little Red Schoolhouse

History of Our Meeting Spot

The North School, a one room schoolhouse built in 1865 and current home for the Groveland Garden Club, is still situated at its original location at 26 Broad Street in a section of town known as Savaryville.
The school has seen many generations of Groveland children enter and leave through its doorways until 1956 when a burgeoning post World War II population finally overran the modest space, forcing students to relocate to a different school.
The Little Red School House as it is affectionately called by townsfolk, is owned by the town of Groveland, and leased to the Groveland Garden Club.
The Club saved the building from demolition in 1969 and has since lovingly cared for the schoolhouse as a living exhibit. The original blackboards still hang on the walls and the floors are the same ones that generations of Groveland children trod when the town was in its infancy.

Gardening Resources


Gardening Resources

Great links to learn more about resources available to become a master gardner.

  1. Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts- provide additional resources for education, resources and networking opportunities
  2. Massachusetts Master Gardeners Association- dedicated to engaging members and public about gardening.
  3. Soil & Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory- place to send your soil to test if you are having issues growing in it.
  4. Groveland's Veasey Park- Groveland's hidden gem
  5. Groveland, MA Town Website- dedicated to informing the public about our little slice of paradise.

Contact Us

Interested in Learning More?

Fill out the form below and let us know.
One of our members will reach out as soon as possible.